Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Spring Reading

My mom let me borrow the book, Room, by Emma Donoghue for Spring Break. I wanted a book that was a quick read, and once I started it (the last day in Florida), I was done in the next two days.

I LOVE to read. I loved it when I was little, and then for a period of time (middle school-college) I think I forgot that I loved it. You have to read so much for school that I think reading for fun falls to the wayside. As soon as I graduated college I started reading for fun again. I am sad to say that Room is the first real book I've read in 2011 and it's already March. I have read two teaching books, but nothing for fun. It makes me want to read more though because it was really good.

To me this book was a you-can't-put-it-down-kinda-good. It is so interesting because it is told from a five year old's perspective. His mom was captured by a perverted, creepy, loner man when she was 19 years old. The man keeps her against her will in a storage shed in his backyard in an 11x11 square foot space (for more than 6 years). She ends up giving birth to his son there, and creates a world where her son, Jack, doesn't know there's a world outside their "room." I love how much his mother loves him to protect him and put him above her own needs, and it is so interesting to hear it all through Jack's point of view. Think of an Elizabeth Smart type of story. I definitely recommend it.

Speaking of books, I love the website You create lists of books you have read, are currently reading, and want to read. It inspires me to read books, and you can also rate books, have friends on there and view their lists, and read other ratings. My user name is amperry if you want to see my list!

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